Not all our wants are fulfilled.Not all are supposed to be.But i want to let go of everything and say aloud what I want before I forget I ever wanted them.
i want to get drunk alone.
i want to get drunk alone in a beach at night.
i want to laugh out loud in a public place without turning heads.
i want a giant sized bathroom.
i want a hair straightner.
i want to eat without thinking about a paunch.
i want to smoke and not raise eyebrows.
i want to play the guitar someday.
i want to kiss Hugh Jackman.
i want to close my eyes and go to sleep peacefully.
i want to wake up to someone always.
i want to just hold someone's hand and stop worrying about anything.
i want to learn to cook chicken.
i want to dance in the rain.
i want to own a pair of victoria's secret.
i want to cuddle next to someone.
i want a swimming pool in my bedroom.
i want to be loved.
i want to be understood.
i want to go to the corner and ball myself up and cry till i am sore.
i want to be happy.
i want to be trusted.
i want to make the perfect omlette.
i want to keep my white shirt spotless.
i want to understand football.
i want................
Silly things.Obvious things.Crazy things.
This has been one of the silliest posts i have ever written.But i had to get something off my chest and this is what i came up with.I still wonder if I am sure of what i really want.Guess I will never know.Till then will keep on wanting..........
May God fulfill all ur WANTS. And most of them are easy to get. Just believe in urself and have faith in Him.
thanks mam!!yes most of them are easy to get,silly wants really!!!but the prob is not the wants but the situations that has led to such wants.
i believe in Him and myself and that is a wonderful feeling!!
This seems like bare-it-all post, but it's not I guess :P
@deb...u shld knw better!!!its just about all the silly common wants everyone has.the diff is just that i penned them dwn!!:P
came here through debu's blog and i must tell you that after a long long time i've come across a blog whose look simply celebrates the feeling of being a "girl" (mind you not a woman)!Girls are back! women can wait! what say?
@deepika....thanx.yeah proud of being a girl and cherishing that girlhood coz with each passing day i m getting closer to womanhood!!!
good and quite brave of u.....cheers....!! hope u fulfill all you dreams .....
Excellent the way u have written ur want/wish. I appreciate ur thinking or writing skill.keep it up.
thanks dibya and "missing the way"...:P
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