Now as I stop and look back,I wonder when did that happen???When did all these things start appearing normal to me?When did i start taking them for granted??When???When actually did i become such a pig head?
How could I not notice how special my friend looked in her simple white dress as she went on her first date?How could I not feel how special the moment was when all my friends and me tried cigarette for the first time and coughed till there were tears in our eyes(improper maybe,but how come not special)?How could I not feel how special the moment was when my best friend gave me a tight hug?How could I not feel how special the moment was when my room mate made coffee for me in the dead of the night before exams so that I don't feel sleepy?How did I not feel how special the moment was when we all made half cooked maggie at 4 in the morning coz we were dying of hunger?
Were these not special because I dint feel so or were these not special because they were so simple?Have simple things stopped being special?Yesterday one of my friends was jumping on the bed (thankfully not mine!)with absolute glee coz her boyfriend had given her a teddy the size of a gorilla and I could say that it was a special moment for her.Today I saw a couple eating ice cream candies by the roadside,but I cant say if the moment was special for them.How can any moment cease to become special when you are with the one you love?So what actually qualifies something to be 'special'?I suppose this question will bring out different answers from different persons.But today I want to cherish all the moments in my life that I think were real 'special'.
I want to cherish the life talks we need to have every night just before the exams.I want to cherish the heart to heart talks I have with my sister about the grave problems that are there in a 10 year old's life.I want to cherish the 'boyfriend' analysis sessions we have.I want to cherish the cooking afternoons I have with my mom.I want to cherish the roadside 'puchka' eating outings.I want to cherish the mad dancing fits me and my friends have.I want to cherish all the simple special moments I (my pig head,actually) ignored earlier.
To conclude I want to cherish the time when a simple red rose blooming in the midst of the greens appeared to me as the most special thing in the whole wide world...........
gud oe sneha..shows dat u r actually growing up now ;)
hmmm....wat am i supposed to make of this one????
very nice thought n its really special for me also.......
love u re
Gud one Miss Sneha..
I was vey much happy to read your blog.
U dont knw me..but i do knw a little about u.
I have myself treaured some of these special moments of my life..these are simply priceless..
Keep on posting on ur blog and i will be reading it..
ummm thanx.so do i get to know who are u and how do u knw me?
Good Morning..
ya sure...
why not??
My full name is Gouri Shankar Bohidar..
Did my graduation from ITER, Bhubaneswar
U can search for me in Facebook by my name or more preferably by my email address coolpicku@gmail.com
and u will get all the information about me in my Facebook profile
I came to know about u from ur Facebook profile..i was browsing through ur profile..one more thing..ur paintings are simply awesome and the snaps which u have taken in ur photography classes are good...
Am not praising or flattering u..
u did ur work..i just complimented on ur good work..
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