Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yes conversations. Rather daily affair for everyone of us. a way of life, some would say. Their sole life, there are some who would say that too. Conversations makes us what we are. Human. though most of the time most of the conversations are rather inhuman. But what-so-ever.
but why am I writing a blog about conversations? Trust me i got no idea. This was a rather spontaneous thing. Coz I am no expert when it comes to conversations. in fact I belong to one of those people who practice having a conversation with a person before actually having it and then have the awesome talent of still totally goofing it up out there (though i have  almost outgrown it, trust me, at least I like to believe I have).

So back to conversations. There are many types of conversations. The confrontational conversation. The awkward conversation( the types you have with your parents after they catch you watching porn!), the Oh-did-you-know conversation. the "hi there, how are you?" conversation. (Its more like "hey dude. wassup" now-a -days, but you get the idea!), the i-am-so-sorry-BUT conversation. the i-am-so-sorry *sob sob* conversations. the ultimate 'we need to talk' conversation. The conversation that you have just for the sake of having conversation. the we-got-a-problem conversation. The honey-I-love-you-so-much conversation. and finally the imaginary conversation. The conversation that takes place between two people but the only problem is both of them is actually you. So this is the type of conversation i am going to write about basically.

These imaginary conversations are at the least ridiculous, weird, mind boggling and well imaginary.
i end up spending most of my alone but don’t really want to be alone time having these conversations, where on one side am I and on the other some other person, impersonated by me of course. yeah I know that’s crazy. but don’t all of us have imaginary conversations where the person in front of you (being impersonated by you) says all those things that you want him/her to say. so I m having these conversations while I am walking alone, which means I attract more than just jerk looks (surprise!! Yeah even girls like me get those jerk looks). I am usually always mumbling. Answering questions I am asking to the person being impersonated by me. Laughing at jokes being made by the person impersonated by me. Giving an angry retort to one of the impersonated one's weird comment. Yeah I do that. I even act the part. I smile. I look angry. I even laugh. Yeah I am more than half the crazy people think me to be. but these conversations, ah they are good. They calm me down when I am really angry (usually at the person being impersonated by me). They help me deal with depression (conversations that you emerge out of, victorious, can be amazingly mood uplifting). I can have a nice heart to heart conversation with the person I want to and not be tensed about hurting anyone's feelings or saying something wrong. Coz I can always be assured the person being impersonated by me has not heard anything wrong when i actually did say something wrong. i can actually take back my words in this conversation. How awesome is that?

These conversations have their drawbacks too though, sadly. Sometimes they can be so engrossing and interesting that you actually forget what you are doing currently. Which is why I get up at the middle of the night (jolt upright more like it) and wonder if I have closed the balcony door or not. Which is why I cant remember if I have put salt in the dish I am cooking or not. Which is why I end up searching for the pen I was just holding for half an hour coz I cant remember where the hell did I put it. Some might say these are just early signs of Alzheimer but trust me its actually coz all the time i am having a imaginary conversation going on inside my head. I don’t try to stop having these conversations though. They are fun. At least more fun than actually having the real conversations sometimes. So, what the heck?

Ohkay I think I should give this crazy meandering post a rest right here. And guys I am sure you can make drinking game out of the number of times I have used the word "impersonated" (and its variations). Totally HIMYM way!!!! Maybe I should change that to the number of times I have used "conversations" actually!!! cheerios!!!

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