This is how I mostly spent my high school days with my group .Me, Urmi, Akanksha and Jyoti. Of the total 60 minutes in class, we spent half of it trying to (though we never had to try very hard) find a reason to laugh about and then the next half trying not to laugh. We were (still are) loyal believers of the fact that there is no safer place to discuss the beautiful course of life than in middle of an ongoing lecture (at least me and Urmi followed it with all out heart and mouth I suppose).Aku was more on the right side of being silent (but still she did join us often in our discussion of the course of life) and Jyoti well Jyoti........ummm….well she thought it was crime of the highest degree to open your mouth while any specimen of the susceptible figure breed was ranting away.(I suppose it was more to do with the fact that she found it hard to color co-ordinate her notes with her mouth doing a continuous closing and opening sequence ).Oh! But it wasn’t like we spent all the classes doing something of this sort, we did give our esteemed concentration to some of the blessed teachers which shocked the hell out of them and maybe us too.(Now!! Really)
I will miss those days. Now that school is over I will miss trying hard not to laugh, I will miss irritating my buddies with all those classic pj’s, I will miss driving Urmi up the wall, I will miss getting being reprimanded by Aku everyday (and by Urmi every few days) and I will miss competing with Jyoti on whose handwriting is more beautiful and who has color coordinated her notes better. Hell I will miss being with people who cared for me and with whom I didn’t worry about being myself.